This Constitution and Bylaws were adopted by the membership on February 2014.

Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education (TACHE), hereinafter referred to as "the Association”.

Article II: Purpose and Goals

Section 1.  This shall be a professional association committed to the improvement of educational and employment opportunities for Chicanos in higher education. The Association is voluntary and nonprofit. 

Section 2. The general purpose of the Association shall be to contribute to the advancement of higher education and employment opportunities of Chicanos in its fullest and broadest implication. 

Section 3. The Association shall provide a forum for the discussion of issues related to Chicanos in Higher Education and to cooperate with other institutions/organizations in providing workable solutions to these issues by: 

a. Educational Advocacy. To articulate educational problems, needs, and issues related to Chicanos in higher education. 

b. Networking. To engage actively in network-building with local, state, and national organizations for the purpose of securing changes in those laws and policies detrimental to our constituencies. 

c.  Recruitment/Retention. To assist in establishing effective institutional programs to recruit and retain Chicano faculty, students, and professional staff in higher education.  d. Cultural Promotion. To assist in the promotion of the history and culture of Chicanos for educational and public information purposes. 

 Section 4. Any activity appropriate to the purposes set forth in Section 2 may be undertaken by the Association; activities specifically included are the following:

a. To hold an annual meeting for the professional development of the membership and for conducting  Association business; 

b. To publish a newsletter, special bulletins and reports; 

c. To encourage, conduct, and cooperate in research projects intended to further the purpose of the Association; 

d. To conduct workshops or seminars for development of expertise in appropriate professional areas (i.e., legislative); 

e. To cooperate with other professional organizations whose objectives and purposes are deemed consistent with those of the Association. 

f.  To serve as a clearinghouse on information regarding Chicanos in Texas higher education.

      g. Establish an office to facilitate the business of the Association. 

Article III: Membership and Voting

The active members shall conduct matters of Association business.  They shall elect officers who make up the Executive Committee and shall conduct all Association business.  Only active professional members shall be eligible to serve as officers.

Section 1. Institutional Membership.  An institutional member is any public or private higher education institution or agency in the state of Texas that supports and furthers the purpose and goals of the Association. The member institution shall designate up to five professional memberships.

Section 2. Professional Membership.  A professional member shall be an employee of a public or private higher education institution or state agency in Texas.

Section 3. Associate Membership.  An associate member is a person who shares the purpose and goals of theAssociation but is not an employee of a public or private higher education institution or agency.

Section 4. Corporate Membership.  A corporate membership is a business, company or corporation that supports and furthers the purpose and goals of the Association. 

Section 5. Student Membership.  A student is a person enrolled in a Texas public or private higher education institution and classified as an undergraduate or graduate student.

Section 6. Honorary Lifetime Membership.   Honorary Lifetime membership shall be awarded to those individuals with records of significant service to the Association and selected by the Executive Committee.  They shall enjoy a standing invitation to attend the annual TACHE meeting and Associate member privileges.

Section 7. Voting.  There will be one vote per professional member.     

a.     A simple majority of the active professional members voting is required for passage of business transactions at the annual meeting and election of officers.

b.    Provisions shall be made for on-site absentee voting by professional members who register for the full conference but who are unable to attend the business meeting.  Documentation of proxy shall be on file prior to any vote.

c.  Electronic voting is an acceptable form of voting when applicable.

Article IV: Board, Officers and Regional Representatives, Regional and Student Chapters

Section 1.  Board.
The Board consists of the elected officers (Executive Committee) and regional representatives. It is the primary governing body of the Association. A minimum of two years TACHE involvement or equivalent involvement as approved by the Board to serve in a executive officer capacity on the State Board.

Section 2. Officers. Officers of the Association shall be professional members and remain professional members throughout their term. 

Section 3. Elected officers. Elected officers of the Association shall include the following and shall serve as the Executive Committee: 

a. President

b. President-Elect

c. Immediate Past-President

d. Secretary

e. Treasurer

f. Vice President of Communications

g. Vice President of Membership

h. Vice President of Technology

Section 4. Election of Officers. Election of Officers shall be by secret ballot and by simple majority. If no candidate receives a simple majority of the whole number of votes cast, the paid professional membership shall ballot a second time between the two candidates receiving the highest votes on the first ballot. If the votes should be evenly divided between the two runoff candidates, balloting continues until the one receiving the majority of votes is declared the winner. 

Section 5. Regional Representatives. The Association is divided into six regions: Central Region, Far West Region, Gulfcoast Region, Northeast Region, South Region, and Plains Region. Regional Representatives are on the State Board but are not part of the Executive Committee. Regional Representatives shall be elected by the members of the respective regions to facilitate communication between the region and the state, and to aid in the recruitment of members. Any of the regions may elect a “co-representative” to share responsibilities. However, the “Co-representative” is not a member of the Board but may represent the region in the absence of the Regional Representative. 

Section 6. Regional Chapters. Regional chapters within each region are encouraged. These chapters must have at least ten (10) members. The chapter(s) must submit the names of the charter members, list of officers, a copy of their constitution and by-laws consistent with the State Board by-laws. The Chapter(s) must be approved by a vote from the Executive Committee prior to full activity. Regional members are encouraged be become members of the state Association.

Section 7. Student Chapters. Student Chapters are encouraged within each region. Student chapters must have at least ten (10) members, The chapter(s) must submit the names of the charter members, list of officers, a copy of their constitution and by-laws consistent with the State Board by-laws. The Student Chapter(s) must be approved by a vote from the Executive Committee prior to full activity. Student members are encouraged to become members of the state Association. 

Article V: Duties of the Officers, Tenures and Vacancies

Section 1. President. The President shall serve as the Chair of the Executive Committee and shall be an ex-officio member of all appointed TACHE committees except the Nominations Committee. The President may assign and delegate duties but shall be responsible for all activities within the Association. The President shall determine the Standing Committees subject to approval by the Board. The President shall authorize all formal communication and policy statements in the name of the Association. The President is authorized to enter into contractual agreements binding the Association only with explicit approval of the Board or through resolutions enacted by active professional membership at the official annual meeting. The President shall assume this office after completion of one term as President-Elect and shall serve for a one-year term.

Section 2. President-Elect. The President-Elect shall preside in the absence of the President and shall serve as the Chairperson for the Conference Planning Committee. The President-Elect shall be elected for a one-year term before succeeding to the Presidency. 

Section 3. Immediate Past President. The immediate Past President shall serve as advisor to the President and other officers. This person shall hold this position for one year after the completion of his/her term as President.

Section 4. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep an official record of the proceedings of all business meetings of the Association, the Board, and standing committees. The Secretary shall preserve all records in permanent files and file such records as required by law. The Secretary shall be responsible for updating the revised bylaws and providing copies at the annual conference to the membership in print or electronic access. The Secretary shall serve for a two-year term with terms expiring in odd years. 

Section 5. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have charge of all monies of the Association. The Treasurer shall keep an itemized account of all receipts and expenditures as needed for an appropriate audit of accounts. The g Treasure has the responsibility for compliance with the IRS code. All funds shall be deposited in a bank designated by the President. The Treasurer shall release to his/her successor within ten days of vacating office, all books, records, and documents and receive a listed receipt from the incoming Treasurer. The Treasurer shall serve a two-year term expiring in even years. The Treasurer shall present a detailed financial report at each meeting of the Executive Committee. 

Section 6. Vice President of Communications. The Vice President of Communications shall be responsible for preparing all publications, newsletters, and any other communication called for by the Board. The Vice President of Communication shall serve a two-year term expiring in odd years. 

Section 7. Vice President of Membership. The Vice President of Membership shall be responsible for retaining and recruiting members to the Association. He/She will keep accurate records of all levels of membership. The Vice President of Membership shall serve a two-year term expiring in even years. Vice President of Membership shall provide detailed membership reports at each board meeting. 

Section 8. Vice President of Technology. The Vice President of Technology shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Association’s website and any other technological needs of the Board. The Vice President of Technology shall serve a two-year term expiring in even years. 

Section 9. Regional Representatives. Regional Representatives shall be elected by the members of their respective regions to facilitate communications between the region and the state and to aid in the recruitment of members. Regional Representatives serve a two year term. The Regional Representatives shall serve a two-year term expiring in alternating years with three (3) regions in odd years and three (3) regions in even years as designated. 

Section 10. Installation of Officer and Vacancies. Newly elected officers shall take office at the conclusion of the annual meeting at which they are elected. In the event of a subsequent vacancy in the offices of Vice President of Communications, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Technology, Treasurer, Secretary, or Regional Representative, the President may make an appointment for the balance of the unexpired term; such an appointment shall not affect the appointee’s eligibility for election to that office when the term expires. If elections are needed outside the annual meeting, may be conducted in an electronic format. 

Section 11. Vacancy of President or President-Elect. Should the office of President become vacant, the President-Elect shall assume the duties of the President. Should the office of President-Elect become vacant the Immediate Past President shall complete the term of President-Elect. If the Immediate Past President cannot complete the vacancy of the President-Elect, it will be incumbent upon the President to fulfill the duties of the President-Elect and serve as President for a second year during the term they would have served as Immediate Past President. In such a case the term of Immediate Past President may go unfilled. 

Article VI: Meeting

Section 1. There shall be an annual meeting of the Association, the date and the location shall be set by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have the authority in case of emergency, to advance, postpone, or to omit an annual meeting; in such case, the time between two consecutive meetings of the Association shall be counted as one year of administration. In the event that an annual meeting is postponed or omitted or in case of an emergency, the Executive Committee has the authority to conduct Association business by mail or electronic media. The same voting requirements outlined in Section 2 will apply. 

Section 2. Association business shall be conducted at the annual meeting by the active members present. The adoption of any proposed amendment to the Constitution or Bylaws shall require a simple majority of the paid members present at the annual convention or by electronic format. Except for amendments, decisions shall be made by a majority vote in person or electronic. 

a. Official business to be conducted at the annual meeting shall include but not limited to the following: 

1. Introduction of newly elected officers; 

2. Reports from officers and committees, with such action as may be appropriate including adoption  of resolutions and annual budget discussions; 

3. Action on any proposed amendments to the Constitution or Bylaws. 

b. Notice shall have been given in advance on any substantive matter which is to be voted on at the annual meeting. 

Section 3. Meetings of the Executive Committee/Board shall be conducted quarterly or as needed. Meetings will be called by the President, as needed or by the President-Elect if the President is unable to do so. Decisions within the Executive Committee shall be made by a majority vote of the members present and voting. 

Article VII: Dues and Finances

Section 1. Dues. Annual dues for membership shall be set annually by the Executive Committee. 

Section 2. Finances. Membership dues and all contributions received shall be used only for the general operating expenses of the Association as determined by the Executive Committee unless designated. 

a. Travel Reimbursement. Travel reimbursement and honoraria, if any, shall be set by the Executive Committee, but  no member of the Executive Committee may vote on any question involving travel reimbursement or honoraria to be  paid to him/her. 

b. Association Accounts. Association accounts shall be audited every other year and reviewed during alternating years by a duly authorized accountant appointed by the Executive Committee. 

c. Budgets. Annual and amended budgets shall be prepared by the Finance Committee and presented by the  Treasurer to the Executive Board for its adoption. 

Article VIII: Records

Section 1. Records. Files of records shall be transferred by each officer to his/her successor at the close of the term of office. After two years the original records shall be deposited at the Benson Latin American Collection at the University of Texas, Austin Campus. The President and Secretary shall be responsible for the transfer of records.

Article IX: Public Statements

Section 1. Public Statements. No statement, news release, public announcement, circular letter, or other communication concerning state policy statement or opinion shall be issued on association stationery or under the Association’s logo or in the name of the Association or any of its officers or committees unless it shall have been specifically authorized and approved by the President or Executive Committee.

Article X: Standing Committees, Duties and General Responsibilities

Section 1. Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall consist of the Treasurer as Chairperson, Secretary and three (3) active members of the Association. This committee shall be responsible primarily for the preparation of the annual budget which shall be presented for adoption to the Executive Committee. (See Article VII, Section 2c) 

Section 2. Nominations Committee. The Nominations Committee shall consist of the Regional Representatives of the six regions. The President shall appoint a Chairperson for the Nominations Committee. Their responsibility is to formulate a slate of candidates for each office to be presented and voted on at the annual conference.

Section 3. Membership Committee. The Membership Committee shall consist of the Vice President of Membership as Chairperson and six Regional Representatives who have the responsibility of conducting membership drives and assist in the publication of a Membership Directory.

Section 4. Constitution Committee. The Constitution Committee shall consist of the Secretary as Chairperson, and five active members of the Association, all appointed by the President. This committee has the responsibility to consider proposed amendments or changes to the constitution and bylaws of the Association for consideration to the Executive Board.

Section 5. Publication Committee. The Publication Committee shall consist of the Vice President of Communications as the Chairperson and three other active members selected by the VP of Communications and approved by the Executive Committee. This committee is responsible to prepare and issue publications, newsletters, and any other mass distribution called for by the Executive Committee.

Section 6. Development Committee. The Development Committee shall consist of the current and former Presidents with the Immediate Past President serving as the Chairperson. The committee is responsible to research and seek external funding sources for the benefit of the Association.

Section 7. Other Standing Committees. Other standing committees can be appointed by the President, as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.

Section 8. General Responsibilities. In addition to the foregoing specific duties prescribed for committees of the Association, each committee shall perform other duties and assume other responsibilities as delegated by the Executive Committee or General Assembly. The Chairperson of each committee may participate fully in committee discussions and deliberations and may vote as does every other member except as specifically stated to the contrary. 

Article XI: Process of Amendment

Section 1. Amendments of this Constitution shall be submitted in written form by their proponents to the Executive Committee of the Association through the Constitution Committee at least three (3) calendar months prior to the Annual convention of the Association. The Constitution Committee shall submit all proposed amendments to the annual meeting of the Association. All amendments shall be adopted upon a simple majority of the paid members present and voting at the annual convention. These revised and updated bylaws must be filed with the Secretary of State. Future revisions must be submitted as amendments and will be incorporated into the Constitution and Bylaws ratified.

Article XII: Rules of Procedure

Section 1. The Association shall have the authority to make its own rules of procedure in the conduct of its business. When not otherwise provided, Robert’s Rules of Order (revised) shall govern parliamentary procedures.

Article XIII: Dissolution

Section 1. The Association is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 

Section 2. Notwithstanding any other provision of this constitution the Association shall not carry on any other activities not be permitted on (a) by an association exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or (b) by an association contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law.) 

Section 3. Upon dissolution of this association, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the association, the remaining assets shall be distributed to a nonprofit fund, foundation, or educational institution which is organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, and/or scientific purposed and which has established its tax-exempt status under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code